To place an order with Pet Lovers Centre, you can visit and create a web account. Please follow the steps below to know how to create an account with us:
Step 1: Register account
- To register for a web order account, you'd have to register for a web account and you could also link your VIP membership to enjoy further discounts.
Step 2: Activate your account
- After you have successfully registered for the web order account, you would need to check your email inbox and click "Activate your account"
Step 3: Login to web order account
- If you are unable to log in to your web order account, please click the 'Forget your password?' link and enter your email address. An email will be sent to you to reset your password.
Step 4: Select and browse the item and "Add to cart"
Step 5: View cart and checkout
Step 6: Select delivery date and time
Step 7: Proceed with checkout, update the shipping address and billing.